Developing A Person Centered Plan

Using A Person Centered Approach

A person-centered approach helps people who are using services have control over their own life in a positive way.

The person receiving supports should have a voice with what type of care they want to receive and how the care is executed.

Considering the person’s desires, their values, their family situation and the social community around them will help the worker know how to support the person as a whole.

Guidelines help everyone to be on the same page and ensures that personalized care is being done properly.

A person-centered approach ensures the care givers are seeing the whole person for who they are and not stay focused on “fixing what is wrong.”

Person Directed Plan (PDP)

A Person Directed Plan (PDP) is created through a meeting that focuses on the individual’s goals.

This meeting allows the individual to have a voice in what they want to see happen in their own life. They are the most important person in the meeting and their opinion and choices are given precedence.

Other people invited to the meeting could be family, close friends and organizations that the individual works with.

The best time to start developing a PDP is during transitional periods, such as moving or changing schools.

MAP ~ A 7 Step Tool Helping Individuals Move Toward a Better Future

The MAP procedure is carried out with the help of the individual’s family, friends and organizations they work with, to maintain the goals and dreams of the individual.

After all the steps have been completed, the group will draw out the results on a poster board paper in a very visually creative way.

The individual is the facilitator of what is being put on the poster board to demonstrate each step they wish to accomplish.

Step 1 ~ What Is Your History?

This step helps people who do not know much about the individual’s past have a better understanding of what the individual has gone through.  Such as being in an institution or completing high school. This can help make sense of the present.

Step 2 ~ What Are Your Dreams?

This step is the biggest part of MAPs. There are two types of dreams, metaphorically and aspirations. They should both be treated the same. When someone has a metaphorical dream there should be more questions asked about how they want to achieve the dream. There is no dream that someone can not reach, as there is always a hidden message to why they have this dream in the first place.

Step 3 ~ What Are Your Fears?

This step helps the individual express their fears to the group. This could be fears from the past, present or fears that have always been there. This step makes sure that these fears do not occur in the future or how to deal with the fear if it happens again.

Step 4 ~ Who Is This Person?

During this step each person present in the meeting will describe the individual using only one-word. The Individual also describes themselves and how they want to be seen in the future.

Step 5 ~ What Are Your Gifts, Strengths and Talents?

During this step each person present in the meeting will talk about the individual’s gifts, strengths and talents. Each gift, strength and talent is discussed and shown how it impacts each person in the meeting. This strategy helps the group to focus on what the individual is good at, instead of what they need help with.

Step 6 ~ What Steps Do You Need To Take To Overcome Your Fears and Achieve Your Dreams?

This step helps to figure out how the individual will overcome their fears and accomplish their dreams. This could mean saving money to go on a trip or working with other organizations to help with care.

Step 7 ~ Action Plan

This step makes sure when, where and who will help the individual with moving toward their dreams.

The facilitator who will support the individual in accomplishing their dreams is identified.

A date is set for when each dream will be accomplished and a plan is created.

PATH ~ A 6 Step Tool Focusing On A Vision The Individual Has for Themself

This tool uses a timeline to show where the person wants to be in the future.

In the meeting the individual and their close family and friends can be present. These people are invited to support the individual and are devoted to making things happen for them.

“PATH is a way for diverse people, who share a common problem or situation to align…their purposes…their understanding of their situation and its possibilities for hopeful action…their action for change, mutual support, personal and team development and learning.”

Jack Pearpoint, John O`Brien and Marsha Forest.

Step 1 ~ The dream

This step is when the individual talks about where they see themselves and how they would like to live. The individual may make a broad statement or a day today situation. This will be the focus throughout the meeting.

Step 2 ~ Sensing the goal

This step focuses on what the participants and the individual thinks it would be like in a year from now. Everyone discusses what events would have taken place if a year has passed and how it’s like to live in a better future. The only two rules for this stage is that all goals are positive and possible.

Step 3 ~ Now

This step helps analyze what is happening now and how to move forward to have a better future.

Step 4 ~ Enrol/Who‘s on board?

This step discusses who will help the individual on achieving these goals and if there is anything that could stand in the way of the individual achieving them.

Step 5 ~ How are we going to build strength?

The step makes sure that the group and individual stays committed to following these goals and completing them. This could mean supporting each other and the individual by meeting regularly or emailing to keep in contact.

Step 6 ~ Three/six month goals

This step is to help follow-up and see if changes have been made and the goals are in process. The group then talks about where they want to be in three and six months. Sometimes this leads to planning a meeting to make sure everyone is on the same page.

If you would like more information on this or any other program The Sheltering Tree offers please contact the main office at 705-743-5689 or [email protected]