Foster Placement Inquiries

The Sheltering Tree is committed to providing children with life-long skills to help them be productive and contributing citizens in their communities.

The Sheltering Tree Child and Family Services provides quality, effective and nurturing care for children, youths and their families. Our vision is for every child and youth who enters our program to feel important and valued. We provide children and youth in our care with more than just a house to live in, we strive to provide them with a caring and supportive family and community and ultimately a sense of belonging.​​​​

Our mission is to create an environment that nurtures each child, while enhancing the social, physical and mental health of children and their families. By providing a tailored, effective and culturally sensitive model, we hope to impart the tools needed to surpass the barriers they may encounter throughout their journeys.

We work to support and empower children, families, and front line staff by offering unique services and opportunities, viable, inclusive programs and comprehensive, continuous training to better prepare all members of the team for whatever challenges they may encounter.

The Sheltering Tree is a licensed agency with the Ministry of Community and Social Services.

We are now accepting placement referrals into our Treatment Foster Care Program.

Please direct all inquiries about Foster Child and Youth placement within our Foster Care Treatment Program to Lynn Drumm, CEO, at 705 743 5689 or by email to

Now Accepting Referrals in our Treatment Foster Care Program

Please Call For More Information: 705 743 5689 ~ Click to Email

If you would like more information on this or any other program The Sheltering Tree offers please contact the main office at 705-743-5689 or