Home Study Interview for new Foster Parents and Respite Care Providers

There are many different interviews during this portion. There are several interviews where the potential foster parents will meet together with the professional team, if needed.

There will also be one on one interviews and interviews with any children (3 years or older) who already live in the home. In some cases, family and friends will be interviewed if they are frequently in the household.

At times people have expressed that they think this portion is difficult and can feel like they are on trial. The professional team is getting to know you and family members to determine what type of child/youth will benefit from becoming a part of your household.

“We really believe that to make a difference in a child or youths life is to be your real authentic self”

Scott Heggie

 These interviews can become personal very quickly. We are hoping that new foster parents will use this time to reflect, will be willing to grow, and be ready to make mistakes.

There are very few deal breakers. The professional team is committed to your growth in training and will always be there to support you along the way.  

If you would like more information on this or any other program The Sheltering Tree offers please contact the main office at 705-743-5689 or [email protected]