Structured Analysis Family Evaluation (SAFE)

Structured Analysis Family Evaluation (SAFE) is an effective and systematic way to evaluate the potential Foster Families and Adopting Parents’ home.

The Structured Analysis Family Evaluation is a walk through check of the inside and outside of the house. 

The inspector is not there to judge your way of living.

During the evaluation the inspector is looking for the home to be clean, to ensure that medications are locked up, that there are working smoke detectors on every floor, that the home has a fire evacuation plan, the potential foster child has a bedroom to themselves with a working window and a proper bed, etc.

The professional team is here to help you prepare for the structured analysis family evaluation (SAFE) before it happens.  

If you would like more information on this or any other program The Sheltering Tree offers please contact the main office at 705-743-5689 or [email protected]